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Sound and Music are hosting the second Teacher Network Event for London music teachers wanting to explore and strengthen their approach to teaching composing.

These informal events draw on the research generated by Listen Imagine Compose and offer teachers a chance to explore its findings, share personal experiences and to discover practical solutions to teaching composing within secondary schools.



This event will focus on approaching composing with KS3 students more creatively and will be led by Professor Martin Fautley (director of research in the school of education and social work at Birmingham City University).

5-7.30pm Wednesday 13th June

1901 Club 7 Exton St, Lambeth, London SE1 8UE. The venue is a short (5 min) walk from London Waterloo.

Places are free but must be booked in advance via Eventbrite. Refreshments will be provided.


Listen Imagine Compose is a partnership project between Sound and Music, Birmingham Contemporary Music Group and Birmingham City University investigating how composition is taught  and learned through secondary schools and draws on the expertise of teachers and their pupils, composers, music education academics and arts organisations.